Kenya Gicherori AB


Cup Profile: Vibrant 

fruitful and complex; this coffee produces a dynamic cup, combining lively fruit qualities with more delicate floral and/or tea-like flavors.

In The Cup

This Washed processed lot from Embu, Kenya yields a vibrant cup with a juicy mouthfeel; expect lively notes of White Peach, Cider, and Cherry

Gicherori Factory is part of the Kibugu Farmer’s Cooperative Society. It was started in 1994. Current membership stands at 1200.

Nowhere are coffees as throughly cleaned as they are in Kenya. The typical process looks something like this: after repulsing, coffee beans are left to ferment. Then, after 24 hours they are washed and left to ferment again, without water, for another 12 - 24 hours. The parchment is then washed before being soaked in tanks for another period of roughly 12 - 18 hours. At this stage, the beans are moved to skin drying beds where they are laid out in this layers to allow the mass of water weight to fall. This happens over the course of a morning. This entire process is sometime referred to as the 72 hour process. From there, the coffee goes to raised drying beds for the next 8 to 12 days. By the end of this process, the coffee is as clean as a whistle. Not a drop of mucilage will be found on the pristinely white parchment, and no extra flavor is imparted to the beans except by what happened at the farm and in the fermentation tanks.